
This woman is wondering can you still get an abortion in NJ?
Can You Still Get an Abortion in NJ?

Are you considering abortion after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought up many questions and concerns in women about access to abortion. Though many women thought the overturning of Roe v. Wade would outlaw abortion, it simply depends...

This woman is wondering can she get the abortion pill by mail?
Can I Get the Abortion Pill by Mail?

In the state of New Jersey, it is possible to get a prescription for a medication abortion only after a telehealth visit. Once the prescription has been written, it can then be sent to a local pharmacy so the patient can pick it up and...

This woman is wondering is abortion or adoption right for her?
Is Abortion or Adoption the Best Choice for Me?

If you feel parenting is not an option for you, abortion and adoption are your other two options.  As you consider these options, it is important to become informed about the process and risks of both abortion and adoption. In this blog, we share the must-know...

This woman is wondering what are the signs of an incomplete abortion?
What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

The typical signs of an incomplete abortion are moderate to severe vaginal bleeding, and sometimes lower abdominal cramping and/or pelvic pain. What Is Incomplete Abortion? Incomplete abortion happens when the abortion pill or other abortion method terminates the pregnancy, but tissue remains inside the body. It is...

This woman is thinking about how an adoption plan can prevent depression caused by abortion.
How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Making an adoption plan can prevent depression caused by abortion by enabling women to carry their babies to term, even if they don’t have a desire to parent.  Abortion and Mental Health: Is There a Connection? As unique individuals, every woman will react differently to abortion. That’s why...

This woman is wondering what are the different types of abortion?
What are the Different Types of Abortion? 

When you realize that you’re unexpectedly pregnant, one of the first solutions you are likely to consider is abortion. As you weigh your options, it’s important to become as knowledgeable as possible so that you can confidently make the wisest, and safest decision for your...

Is an Online or At-Home Abortion Safe
Can you Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill? 

If you or someone you know recently began the process of medical abortion but are having second thoughts about this decision, we are glad you found us. Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center is here to help you answer your questions regarding abortion pill reversal.  Is it Possible...

What Are the Risks of Abortion?
What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Almost half of the pregnancies in the US are unplanned, so if you find yourself dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, you are not alone in your situation. When considering whether or not to terminate your pregnancy, it’s important to evaluate all your options and the psychological...