12 Jul Can You Still Get an Abortion in NJ?
Are you considering abortion after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought up many questions and concerns in women about access to abortion.
Though many women thought the overturning of Roe v. Wade would outlaw abortion, it simply depends on the state laws. If you live in New Jersey, abortion is still accessible for women with no new restrictions.
Abortion Laws in New Jersey
Abortions are legal throughout pregnancy in New Jersey, as the state law protects all abortion access.
As of 2022, New Jersey does not have any new abortion restrictions like waiting periods, mandated parental involvement, or limitations on publicly funded abortions, commonly found in other states.
What You Need Before an Abortion
Before moving forward with an abortion, it’s vital to confirm all the details of your pregnancy. The first step to confirming your pregnancy is with a lab-quality pregnancy test to confirm your home pregnancy test results.
Next, an ultrasound is required to confirm how far along you are, determining what abortion options are available to you. Medical abortion is only recommended by the FDA to end a pregnancy through 70 days gestation (70 days or less since the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period).
An ultrasound will also confirm the viability of your pregnancy (if it’s healthy and growing) and the location (if it’s growing within the uterus or not).
An ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage are possible pregnancy complications that require medical attention and would eliminate the need for an abortion.
Get a Free & Confidential Ultrasound
We can help you with your pregnancy confirmation journey at Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center. We offer free and confidential pregnancy services including pregnancy tests, medical confirmation of pregnancy via ultrasound, options education, limited STD screening, material resources, and referrals. Same-day appointments can usually be accommodated.
Schedule a confidential appointment to get started, at no cost to you. We are here for you.