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Lighthouse Student Volunteer Recognized at Paterson Awards Breakfast

On Monday, January 21, 2019, Lighthouse staff attended the Paterson Youth Council’s 13th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition Awards Breakfast to see one of our youngest volunteers honored.  While only four students were selected for the award, eighteen-year-old Maria Mazariegos was one of...

My Girlfriend Is Pregnant – What Do I Do?

When your girlfriend or partner comes to you with news of pregnancy, it’s natural to feel many different emotions. You might be scared, confused, upset, or even excited. But no matter how you feel about the situation, there are some things you need to do...

Fetal Development Week-by-Week

Curious to learn more about the development of a child inside the womb? Keep reading! This blog post will tell you about the process of fetal development from conception to birth, so you can understand what’s happening throughout the process. When Does Pregnancy Start? This might seem...

5 Misconceptions About Conception

When people come to our center for free pregnancy testing and other services, they often share with us stories of how they thought they couldn’t become pregnant or why they thought they were safe. Many people share these misconceptions, which is why we wanted to...

Getting Past the Fear of Pregnancy
One of the most common things we see in women who come to our center is fear. Fear that their lives will be derailed by pregnancy; fear that their loved ones and friends won’t accept them; fear of being a bad parent. More than anything, these women are afraid of the unknown. That’s why it’s vital to get past the fear of pregnancy before you make any decisions or choices. Here are a few tips for how.  
When Should You Get a Pregnancy Test?

If you think there’s a chance you could be pregnant, you’re probably worrying about what to do – and whether you need to take a pregnancy test. Learn all about pregnancy tests and how they work here, and schedule an appointment to get free pregnancy...

Is there any connection between pornography, STDs and unplanned pregnancy?
Last month was Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (among other designations).  Efforts were focused on reducing the number of teens facing unplanned pregnancies – a number that has declined significantly in recent years.  This is a good thing, but focusing solely on pregnancy prevention, while overlooking other painful consequences of the misuse or too-early use of sex hurts young adults in the long run. Typically pregnancy is only a possibility three to six days a month for the average female. But STDs – sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STIs) – can be acquired any day of any month that a guy or girl is sexually active.  And the effects of STDs can be as life-altering as pregnancy, with no upside at all – unlike pregnancy, which results in people like you and me! Lighthouse offers free testing for the two bacterial STDs most commonly found in young adults.
Happy Mother’s Day to Julias everywhere . . .
After a dozen years, it still doesn’t get old.  Every Mother’s Day, I am reminded of the women Lighthouse has supported to make brave choices – choices that have changed their lives and their children’s forever, for the better. I smile when I think of how their first courageous choices – which seemed nearly impossible at first – resulted in joy and more life-enhancing choices for themselves and those around them. As Mother’s Day approaches, I am grateful that Lighthouse is able to offer free life-affirming support to women facing unplanned pregnancies.  Some of our confidential services include pregnancy testing, medical confirmation of pregnancy, STD testing and relationship support for women like Julia.  Here is the story of Julia’s pregnancy journey, shared with her permission:
When Sex isn’t Sexy
While most television shows and movies include casual sexual encounters, rarely are the lovers (and I use that term loosely) shown getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, for short). Some consequences of uncommitted sex make it to the big screen.  Unexpected pregnancies have become an expected plot twist, thanks to movies like Juno and Knocked Up that center on the concept of an ill-timed conception.  The emotional drama after a relationship turns sexual or a sexual relationship ends makes for interesting viewing (think 500 Days of Summer, Friends with Benefits, or Vanilla Sky). But STDs seem to be the unspoken, unexpected consequence.
Every crisis contains an opportunity – even an unplanned pregnancy
Crisis.  Gut wrenching, knee buckling, breath-sucking, life-changing personal crisis. We’ve all been there. Usually we wonder what to do next or how we will ever overcome the unexpected problem.  We had plans and dreams . . . and suddenly those visions are gone and even our day-to-day living seems threatened. When life-changing obstacles threaten our plans, most of us don’t – or can’t – see the potential benefit of the ordeal.