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Local Pregnancy Center to Host Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Ceremony

In honor of International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center is hosting a remembrance ceremony and candle lighting on Saturday, October 15, at 6:00 p.m. at its headquarters, 297 Lafayette Ave in Hawthorne, NJ. Lighthouse welcomes anyone in the community who has...

Is an Online or At-Home Abortion Safe
Is an Online or At-Home Abortion Safe

Abby had no idea what she was going to do when she found out she was pregnant. She knew she didn’t have the financial stability to pay for labor and delivery, let alone raise a child. Her first thought was to get an abortion–until she...

What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?
What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?

Are you worried you might be pregnant and wondering what to do? It’s important to confirm your pregnancy first if you are considering the abortion pill or Plan B. The abortion pill terminates an existing pregnancy, and Plan B works to prevent pregnancy. Be informed...

This woman is thinking about how to recover emotionally after an abortion.
How to Recover Emotionally After An Abortion

If you’ve had an abortion, whether recently or in the past, you are likely to struggle with your emotions and feel overwhelmed. There are well-known complications and side effects that can occur after an abortion, including emotional and mental side effects. In fact, a study of...

How Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect Women’s Rights?
How Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect Women’s Rights?

The Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has produced a lot of confusion—what does this decision mean for women’s rights in your area? The short answer is that you still have pregnancy options and resources available to you in New Jersey.  If you...

What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?
Considering a Donation to Lighthouse?

When you give to Lighthouse, you are coming alongside those facing unexpected pregnancy in our community with practical help and hope – at a time they need it most. You offer critical support to women and men navigating a challenging season of their life. No...

This woman is wondering can you still get an abortion in NJ?
Can You Still Get an Abortion in NJ?

Are you considering abortion after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought up many questions and concerns in women about access to abortion. Though many women thought the overturning of Roe v. Wade would outlaw abortion, it simply depends...

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion Pill?

Generally speaking, health insurance will only extend your coverage to another individual if there is an established financial legal obligation. This means you are either married or have a domestic partnership. If not, your insurance would not cover the cost of any of her medical...

This woman is curious about the mental health effects of abortion
What Are the Mental Health Effects from Abortion?

Every woman processes an abortion decision differently, so the answer to this question is not straightforward. However, experts agree that at least some women do have significant mental health issues as a result of their abortion experience. What Emotions Might Women Feel After Abortion? According to the...

This woman is wondering can she get the abortion pill by mail?
Can I Get the Abortion Pill by Mail?

In the state of New Jersey, it is possible to get a prescription for a medication abortion only after a telehealth visit. Once the prescription has been written, it can then be sent to a local pharmacy so the patient can pick it up and...