19 Dec What Are My Pregnancy Options?
When you’re faced with an unplanned pregnancy, one of the first questions you have is “What do I do now?” Today, we’re going to take an in-depth look at each of your three pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, and parenting) and discuss some common misconceptions and questions around each of them. Still have questions? Text Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center today at 201-677-2394 or visit our website to schedule a free appointment with a member of our staff.
Hackensack, NJ – (973) 238-9045
Paterson, NJ – (973) 238-9045
Wayne, NJ – (973) 238-9045
Abortion might be the first pregnancy option that comes to mind when you discover you are pregnant unexpectedly. However, since it is the option that requires medication or surgery, it is the one you need to know the most about so you can make an informed decision about your pregnancy. There are two main types of abortion: medical abortion and surgical abortion.
- Medical abortion is another name for taking the abortion pill; you can learn more about this medication and the potential risks here.
- There are two different types of surgical abortion: aspiration abortions (performed up to 15 weeks of pregnancy) and dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortions (performed after 15 weeks of pregnancy).
For more information on these abortion options and the potential risks associated with each, click here or request a free, confidential appointment with a member of our staff today. We are dedicated to taking the time to talk through all of your pregnancy options, including abortion. You are making an important decision — one that is irreversible in most cases, so we want to provide you with all the information you need to make a well-informed decision you won’t regret.
A common myth in today’s society is that you should feel ashamed about making an adoption plan. In reality, it takes a great deal of courage to choose adoption for your child, and there is no shame in choosing this option. Most women who make an adoption plan select a family who can give their child the opportunity or stability they are unable to provide at that time. This is why adoption is sometimes referred to as “alternative parenting.” There are three main types of adoption: closed, semi-open, and open. With each option, you are able to view profiles of potential adoptive families and then determine which family your child is placed with. Each refers to the level of contact you want to have with the adoptive parents during and after the adoption process:
- In a closed adoption, neither you nor the adoptive parents will have any contact with each other. You each have an adoption representative who will communicate on your behalf. Your adoption representative will meet with you and discuss your questions and concerns, and then help you choose an adoptive family that is best suited for your situation.
- In a semi-open adoption, you may have some contact with the adoptive parents during the process (without having their last name or contact info). Once the adoption is finalized, all contact is typically mediated through the adoption agency. If you’d like to receive updates on how your child is doing after the adoption, you can request pictures and/or letters from the adoptive family that will be passed on to you through your adoption agency representative.
- In an open adoption, there is a great deal of communication between yourself and the adoptive parents, both during and after the adoption is finalized. Both you and the adoptive parents can decide upon the visits and level of involvement you’ll have in your child’s life after he or she is placed with the adoptive family.
For each type of adoption, there are benefits and drawbacks. If you are considering this alternative parenting option, it’s important that you’ve processed through each of the types of adoption and know all of the facts. At Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center, we offer free consultations on your adoption options; text 201-677-2394 to learn more.
The third pregnancy option available to you is parenting: carrying the pregnancy to term and raising your child. While this can seem like an impossible task to women and couples who were not expecting a pregnancy, with the right support, parenting can be achievable and satisfying. There are many resources and organizations that offer free support and guidance to prepare you for parenthood and what comes after. We offer free parenting classes and key resources to women and men in our community, and PREP (our Parenting Readiness Enrichment Program) allows you to earn credits to obtain maternity and baby items.
Contact Us
At Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center, we are committed to providing you with a safe and judgment-free space where you can ask questions and process your thoughts and concerns. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to make a well-informed decision. Text us at 201-677-2394, call one of our three centers, or request an appointment online. We’d love to meet with you.
Hackensack, NJ – (973) 238-9045
Paterson, NJ – (973) 238-9045
Wayne, NJ – (973) 238-9045