Is Abortion My Only Option if I Don’t Have Any Money?

pregnant woman curious if abortion is her only option if she dont have money

Is Abortion My Only Option if I Don’t Have Any Money?

Abortion is just one option for your unexpected pregnancy. You owe it to yourself to learn about all your options and decide what best fits your life and future.

While abortion may seem like a sound choice if you have financial concerns, exploring your options and understanding potential costs can help you decide.

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center will help you get the facts by offering confidential, no-cost options counsel sessions. We’re here for you.

Keep reading to learn more about your pregnancy options. You can also request an appointment today to speak with our staff.

Understanding Your Options

Making a pregnancy decision can feel even more stressful when you’re worried about money. We’ll help you learn about each option to make a confident decision.


Abortion ends a pregnancy. Depending on factors like gestational age (how far along you are), a woman can get an abortion with drugs, suctioning, or surgical tools.

It is legal throughout all stages of pregnancy in New Jersey. New Jersey Medicaid and many private insurance plans cover abortion.

However, your health insurance plan may or may not cover abortion. If the procedure is not covered, you should consider all potential expenses, including transportation, childcare, time off work, follow-up visits, and emergency care.

Additionally, making a pregnancy decision shouldn’t be based on cost alone.

Abortion is a procedure with risks and side effects. You should always discuss your health history with a healthcare provider and receive an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and identify any conditions (like ectopic pregnancy) needing medical care.

We offer ultrasounds to provide critical pregnancy information and help determine your options. Your well-being is our priority.


Parenting involves giving birth and raising your child. Some women find this option very rewarding, while others find it challenging.

Though raising a child involves various expenses, weighing this option carefully and understanding the resources available can help you make an informed decision.

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center offers material aid, such as diapers, baby clothing, car seats, prenatal care referrals, and more. Government programs like WIC provide food assistance and additional support.

By learning about this option, you’ll evaluate whether parenting is a good fit and, if so, what support can help you become prepared and confident.


Adoption is another option that involves continuing your pregnancy. You’ll place your child in an adoptive family and have the option of forming a relationship with them.

Expectant mothers and birth mothers have much control over the process; they can select the adoptive family and choose an adoption plan that determines their level of communication.

They never pay for adoption services or pregnancy and childbirth-related medical expenses. This removes financial concerns from the picture.

Some women find adoption to be emotionally difficult, while others find it gives peace of mind in knowing their child is cared for. It’s okay to have mixed emotions as you weigh this option.

We’ll help you learn about adoption as you decide whether this option is right for you.

Unexpected Pregnancy?

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center knows this time can bring mixed emotions. We’ll walk alongside you as you navigate the decision-making process and learn more about your pregnancy.

Request a no-cost and confidential appointment today.

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center does not provide or refer for abortions.