How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

Supporting a friend during challenging times can feel overwhelming, but you are more helpful than you know. And if your friend has an unexpected pregnancy, she must understand that people are in her corner. 

The best thing you can do is be a listening ear and reassure her you aren’t going anywhere. We’ve compiled helpful tips for how you can be an excellent friend in this situation. 

1. Listen To Her Concerns and Struggles

Know that your friend doesn’t need you to fix her problems. She simply wants someone to be there for her. Allow her to share her worries about this pregnancy, and offer advice only if she feels comfortable with you doing so. 

Being vulnerable can be difficult, but your friend may feel a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. 

2. Help With Groceries and Running Errands

Right now, carrying out basic tasks can seem impossible for your friend. Offer to pick up groceries for her and run any errands she needs to complete. It may sound minor, but letting your friend focus on weighing options and caring for herself makes a big difference. 

3. Consider Attending Appointments

If you are both willing, think about attending appointments with your friend. This is especially important if her partner isn’t supportive and she would like to see a friendly face. 

4. Avoid Pressuring Her to Make a Decision

Your friend likely needs time to consider her pregnancy options. Don’t pressure her into making a decision you feel is best. This is her choice; she can think about the right option for her pregnancy. 

5. Remind Yourself That Your Friendship Matters

Although your friend is experiencing a difficult situation, your friendship still matters to her. She would likely appreciate participating in the same activities and hobbies you both enjoy (i.e., going out to eat or taking a trip). Normalcy is key here. 

And don’t forget to care for yourself during this time. You cannot take on others’ challenges but can be supportive. Ensure you are doing things you enjoy and concentrating on your well-being. 

Where Can My Friend Find Help?

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center offers various pregnancy resources for your friend, including no-cost pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. We can discuss your friend’s options with her, too. 

Contact us today to request a confidential appointment. We are here to help.