15 Dec To Abort or Not Abort?
To abort or not to abort; that is the question on the minds of many women, men and teens we serve at Lighthouse. New Jersey has the second highest teen abortion rate in the country, and abortion is often the first option that comes to mind for young adults facing an unintended pregnancy – especially if they are headed to college or on their way to earning a degree.
It would be simpler under these circumstances if you could take a pill and become “unpregnant” (a time- travel pill perhaps that rolls back the clock to a pre-pregnancy time?). But even a chemical (non-surgical) abortion is not a magic pill free of complications or consequences. Ending a pregnancy this way can be a more intense experience because the woman is usually home alone when the pill takes effect.
Giving birth to a child is also an intense experience – especially if you’re alone and unsupported. But being alone is a temporary experience. Abortion is a permanent, irreversible decision. At Lighthouse, we frequently see women and men who wish they could turn back the clock to a time before their abortion experience. Sometimes their regret sets in as soon as the pill is swallowed – sometimes it is several days or years later.
Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center wants to offer you services before you make a decision, so that you understand the consequences and possibilities of all your choices. Don’t look back with regret on what might have been. If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, come see what Lighthouse offers to help you move forward with confidence and caring support.