After Abortion Support

What Are the Warning Signs of Infection After Abortion?

If you have already had an abortion and are experiencing unforeseen grief or other emotional complications, we are here to help you.

Experiencing a pregnancy termination may have left you suffering from consequences for which you were unprepared. The compassionate peer counselors at Lighthouse PRC provide a safe place to talk about your experience and to begin your healing journey.


Symptoms of Post Abortion Grief or Stress may include:

  • Guilt, anxiety, or psychological numbness
  • Depression (unexplained feelings of sadness; sudden uncontrollable crying episodes; poor self-esteem; sleep or appetite disruption; reduced motivation; conflicts in relationships; thoughts of suicide)
  • Anniversary grief (on the anniversary date of the abortion or due date of the aborted child)
  • Flashbacks of the abortion
  • Preoccupation with becoming pregnant again or anxiety over fertility and childbearing issues
  • Interruption of the bonding process with other children
  • Eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, or other self-punishing or self-destructive behaviors


Relationship Impact

Many women and couples choose abortion believing it will preserve their relationship, but statistics paint a different picture. Couples who terminate a pregnancy are at increased risk for relationship problems.

A man’s role and response to the abortion decision can vary widely. Powerless to prevent his partner’s abortion, the man may experience anger, shock or denial. Even when the decision is mutual, feelings of guilt, remorse, sadness or loss may surface in just one partner, placing stress on the relationship. Lighthouse provides a non-judgmental place for both men and women to explore their feelings individually or as a couple.


Post Abortion Healing and Recovery

Roughly 33% of American women have an abortion at some point, but very few ever talk about it. Post abortion stress or trauma are terms used to describe a woman’s inability to:

  • Process the fear, anger, sadness and guilt surrounding her abortion experience
  • Grieve the loss of her baby
  • Come to peace with God, herself, and others involved in the abortion decision.

You are not alone. Lighthouse PRC offers a confidential setting to express and work through your emotions. If your past abortion is still on your mind and heart, no matter how long ago it took place, we would like to help you heal and move on to a new, more hopeful chapter in your life. Our post-abortion recovery team understands what you are going through and is here to help you. Support is available individually and in group settings; groups use a faith-based curriculum.

Contact us to take your first step toward healing.

Contact us



  1. Alliance for Post-Abortion Research & Training (
  2. Writings and research of P.K. Coleman
  3. Healing the Hurt booklet by Teri K. Reisser, M.S., M.F.T. and Paul C. Reisser, M.D.
  4. Before You Decide booklet, CareNet, 2011.


You have the right to be fully informed about your pregnancy options and other concerns that might affect your abortion decision and your health.


Text 973-874-1184 or call today

In Hawthorne:
(973) 238-9045
In Hackensack:
(973) 238-9045
In Paterson:
(973) 238-9045
In Wayne:
(973) 238-9045